Wednesday, September 28, 2005

It's 3:59am, I'm wide awake

No, I'm not up from a night of partying, although I wish I was at this point, then again, if I had partied, at least I could have passed out so I can get up with enough sleep tomorrow for my acting class. I've become somewhat of an insomniac since I started working the night shift at a production company in February. I work this night shift so that I have my days free to theory at least, but really my schedule has consisted more of sleeping during the day, going to the gym, running random errands that seem really important but really aren't furthering my career and then occasionally going to an audition. Hopefully things will change, or at least I'll get some good feedback when I meet with a good agent on Thursday, which is probably another reason why I can't sleep right now.


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