Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reggie Kardashian

As Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush continue to make entertainment news followers nauseous with their public displays of affection, the couple will be glad to know it has at least one fan: Kim’s stupidly-named sister, Khloe Kardashian, says the pair should get married. Maybe. But not too soon. It’s serious stuff, after all. “I hope [they get married], I love Reggie. I think they complement each other,” Khloe kommented. “But I still think it’s early, I don’t know. People want to rush everything. She’s amazing. She’s so mature, she’s so the girl that’s like a one-guy person. That takes a teamwork thing. They have to grow together. It’s like a serious step.” Wow, I'm glad I know what's going on now! Thanks a lot! Reggie Bush needs to work on his game more though.


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