Thursday, October 06, 2005

How It Feels To Pursue Acting In Hollywood For Me

Imagine working a job that you absolutely hate, just to live in a city that you may absolutely hate, just to pursue something that you have passion for and hope to make your new job and career for that matter. Imagine being perfectly able to go out and do something else that would pay you much better and allow you to lead a much less stressful life, but you can't do that because something in your chemical imbalance won't let you. Imagine working, 6pm-2:30am Monday-Friday, feeling like shit every morning because you don't sleep until 4 or 5 am at the earliest and then realizing and being told that you don't even have it that bad. Imagine believing in yourself but not being able to make other believe, but you believe that you will be able to if you can just get in the right situation. You know you can do this, but you are close to broke, and you have a college degree and great resume going to waste. You don't have many friends, or REALLY know that many people for that matter, and you have minimal social rescources at your disposal to change this. You are locked in a tape vault 40 hours a week, at night, prime time. Prime time television is gone, the term "happy hour" pisses you off and slightly peeved becomes your normal with even the slightest good mood seeming like extasy(the state of being, not the drug). You know you have a bad attitude, but can't change it. Does that mean you are doomed? You think you will have a good attitude when things finally turn around, but know it's not that simple and that it starts within... yet, you are unhappy... but you know you are on the right track...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for your 7 keys to being successfull in hollywood... :)
You'll be reasonably happy once you get what your working twards the rest is up to you Brian... God Bless

10/09/2005 01:55:00 PM  

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