Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I'm A Better Rapper Than Kevin Federline

This may be the understatement of the year because I'm pretty sure that my Grandma is a better rapper than K-Fed too but I just watched a video on TheSuperficial.com of him jamming to his new single "PopoZao." If you haven't seen it you need to check it out (after you read my blog of course). It is the funniest thing I have seen in the last 10 minutes. I guess I can't really talk about his rapping because I can't understand any of it and I can't tell when it's him rapping and when it's his "background rappers/singers" because it is drowned out by an extremely obnoxious beat that even Britney herself wouldn't use. I just don't understand it though. Does he really think that the beat, let alone the song is tight? Or is he just acting that way in an attempt to at least sell a few copies and not totally flop? There have got to be some 13 year old girls somewhere that saw him in US Weekly and are dumb enough to buy his CD. He has to have some kind of a fan base since people are so "celebretarded" these days. Look at who the media is following around these days: Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Kevin Federline.... Not that this hasn't been said before but come on. Are you kidding me? Are people that stupid that they would see somebody on TV and think they are awesome? The sad answer is...YES. I know that I shouldn't be talking bad about somebody who's actually a friend of mine on myspace but come on....PopoZao? First of all, the name sounds like a carnival ride at the county fair, a place where K-Fed would probably be working if he didn't have the good fortune of meeting a no class broad who fooled everybody into thinking that she was the next Madonna and got really rich doing it. So here is what I propose: A rap battle between me and K-Fed. Winner gets Britney. Not that I really even want her anymore...but I look more like Justin Timberlake anyway and she is probably regreting dumping JT for a guy who looks like Sawyer from the TV show Lost...without the somewhat cool bad boy image. So that's where we stand. A rap-off. I think my last 2 rap videos alone prove I'm worthy. They were way better than PopZao and I freestyled them in one take. That's right folks. One take. Off the top of the dome yo. I didn't write shit. That's Jay-Z legendary ya'll. I'm fucking awesome. I just ran out in the street, took my shirt off, broke a Bud Light bottle, acted all roided-up and tried to fight a whole fraternity. Let's do this. -Best Rapper Alive on Myspace


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He hot though.

2/10/2006 07:03:00 PM  

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