Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Awesome Droids

In one case, 18-year old nerd and movie theater employee Javier Garcia worships the ground that 18-year old Brett Rodriguez (star baseball player at his school) walks on. Brett agrees to show Javier how to be cool, and basically, how to live his life. The show seemed to go well and Brett (after being put on the spot by MTV) agreed that Javier could now hang out with his group of friends even after the show. Butimmediately after the show ended, Brett changed his number and ignored Javier at school. Bad idea. Javier began obsessing over Brett night and day, driving by his house late at night, going to all of his baseball games and practices and eventually legally changing his name to Bret Jackobsen to sound more like Bretts full name, Brett Jacobsen. Unfortunately, it didnt stop there. Bret (formerly known as Javier) got calf implants to look more like Brett, stating, Now Im the complete package. But apparently, not even Bret thought so, as he kept taking it one step further until people starting asking, How many steps can you call one step further?


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