Friday, March 09, 2007


Well, what I thought was going to be the worst thing in the world, was actually not too bad. When I got to Detroit for my 5-hour layover, I was pleasantly surprised to find a brand new, totally re-modeled, Northwest Airlines terminal that seemed to be Detroit's airport's response to the "Mall of America," except in Japan. Little did I know that Northwest's huge terminal in Detroit was home to a lot of inbound and outbound flights to Japan. Everything in the terminal was in English and Japanese and there were a ton of restaurants and shops all over, including...wait for it...wait for it...sushi!...which I didn't eat. Does that piss you off that I made you wait for it, but instead, I went to a Mexican restaurant where I ate chicken quesadillas and drank two Coronas? It would piss me off. So, to make a long story short, I was very entertained in the Northwest Airlines terminal in the Detroit Metro Airport. The 5-hour layover, really wasn't that bad. Actually, I pretty much did all the stuff that I would have done on a normal Sunday anyway, except it was a Monday.


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