Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Bunch Of Losers Camp Outside NBC All Night

I was driving home from work at approximately 2:30 AM Friday night/Saturday morning when I noticed a line of people outside the NBC Studios in Burbank. I figured that Jay Leno had somebody really big on the Tonight Show tomorrow, but then I realized, tomorrow (actually today at this point) is Saturday. I pulled over to ask them what it was for since it was pretty random. They told me that it was an Open Call Saturday morning for the new season of NBC's "hit" reality show The Biggest Loser. As soon as she told me this, it was almost like I was in a movie because I looked at everybody and suddenly realized that they were all fat. I guess I didn't notice at first because everybody was bundled up and most were in lawn chairs. One guy even had a tent. (I don't know if he had a George Foreman Grillâ„¢ with an extension chord in his tent.) I told them "Thanks," and was on my way, the whole time, knowing I was going to write a blog about it. Damn. I really need another hobby... I didn't have time to put on a brimmed hat with a card in it that says "PRESS," grab my notebook and interview them to find out more. I wonder though...would they have brought food with them to get through the night, or does all this big losing start now? Also, if they are motivated to bundle up and brave a night that was freezing by LA standards, then why don't they have the motivation to just lose the weight themselves? Deep thoughts. The Drunk Blogger In Hollywood is a regular contributor.


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