Thursday, April 06, 2006

Things That Happend to Me in LA Today: Vol. 1

1. While sitting at Buzz on Sunset & Laurel, enjoying a coffee, I noticed about 8-10 girls who walked by at different times, all of which were wearing big sunglasses and a camoflouge or other type of interesting hat. Does everybody in LA look at US Weekly and see celebs incognito and feel the need to do the same? (Side Note: I also realized that I now only feel normal after drinking coffee in LA.) 2. Just as I was about to pay for my foot-long turkey breast sandwhich with southwest sauce at the Subway at Sunset & Crescent Heights, a guy budged in front of me and bought 8 bottles of Diet Coke. I didn't mind since they were still wrapping my sandwhich up...but who goes to subway to buy Diet Cokes. It's more expensive. I guess if you are desperate, that makes sense. Why would you be that desperate to buy 8 Diet Cokes though? 3. I did not see any celebrities, although I watched some TV and recalled times when I had run into, met or seen about 10-12 of the celebrities on TV. Man, I sure am awesome. 4. I had a list of things to do written in today's spot on the calendar. I didn't even check my calendar today. I still ended up doing one of the things on my list at least. 5. I still had about 5 post-it notes on my desk, all with things written down that I need to do at some point. These things range in age from 2 days to 6 months. They are definitely priorities though since they are on post-it notes. 6. While stopped at a light on Cahuenga & Barham, I noticed a guy with blue hair, walking up to the crosswalk. He was yelling and talking to himself. He looked really mad. I wonder if he has always been crazy or if he just turned that way after a lot of rejection and numerous acting classes taught by teachers who are just as crazy as him. Hmm.. 7. I heard a funny story from my roomate about how Tara Reid was at The Lobby last weekend and right when she walked in, she was so drunk, she fell and her friends caught her. You would think this story was from a year or 2 ago, but nope, this kind of stuff is still happening to Tara Reid. 8. On this day in history, in 1976 Howard Hughes passed away in a plane flying him to the hospital. Rumor has it, he died from complications that stemmed from his disappointment of The Aviator losing the Oscar to Million Dollar Baby. Also, I am going to drive down the Howard Hughes Freeway today. None of that was really all that funny, but you can imagine what it would be like if it was. Bonus Clip: Things That Didn't Happen to Me Today in LA, But Should Have: 1. I was expecting to see Tara Reid, driving around Hollywood, doing nothing, for the 4th time in 6 months. That didn't happen. At least I had my roomates story though so I'll count that as 3 1/2. 2. I did not get a million-dollar development deal from 20th Century Fox, Sony Pictures, HBO, Steven Spielberg or Steven Seagal today. I'm sure that will happen tomorrow though. Note: This picture has absolutely nothing to do with this blog. The Drunk Blogger is starting to realize that nothing is going on in LA today, except drunk blogging.


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