This has nothing to do with Hollywood or anything I've experienced since living here for a year and a half, but it's a funny story that I always want to write down and tell people about. It happened about 4 years ago when I was going to Arizona State and working security for Arizona Cardinals games. For those of you who don't follow football, the Cardinals are a team in the NFL and also, for those of you who do follow football, the Cardinals are a team in the NFL(in case you forgot). Anyway, my sophomore year in school I was working security on Sundays for their games. One particular game, I was stuck guarding a gate in the back of the stadium by one of the parking lots. It was the player's entrance. To make a long story short, I was still at the gate after the game ended and my "supervisor" gave me instructions that the player's families for the Dallas Cowboys (who the Cardinals lost to that game) would be coming to the gate. I was to let them in, but only after the player came up to me to confirm that they were actually his family. Randall Cunningham was playing for the Cowboys at the time.
So basically, as I was there, doing my job, holding off crazy fans and letting in family after the players came up to me to tell me that it was alright, a man and his wife tried to just walk in right past me. I later found out that it was Randall Cunningham's parents, but since I had no way of knowing that at all, I stopped them. Randall Cunningham's Dad was pissed. He mumbled some words to me, clenched his fist and looked very angry. For a second, I thought he was going to hit me. His temper escalated very quickly for some reason. He then pointed at the stadium and said, "Do you go to school here?." I replied, "yes," to which he responded, "I built this school." He said it with such conviction that it confused me. What did he mean? Did he go to Arizona State? I never heard that before. Was he actually part of the construction crew that originally built Arizona State?... or maybe, when he pointed to the stadium he was asking me if I actually took classes IN the stadium, like in the bleachers or something? I was very confused, but I stood my ground. He said some other bullshit stuff to me but I either blocked it out or my memory is affected from being in the hot ass desert sun that day. Finally, Randall Cunningham didn't come, but my "supervisor" did. My "supervisor" let them in and as they walked in, Randall Cunningham's Dad pointed at me like, "who the hell is this guy, you should fire him, doesn' he know who I am?" I responded, "I'm just doing my job" to which his wife responded, "yeah, but you don't have to be rude about it." Now my question is: How was I being rude? I mean, they are the ones who tried to walk by me like I was nobody. Didn't they see my shiny yellow security shirt? My second question is: How in the hell am I supposed to know who the hell Randall Cunningham's Dad is and why did he hate me so much right off the bat? Oh, sorry... that was my second and third question.